Tuesday 4 March 2008


Does going away for a summer holiday with the family fill you with dread? How will you survive the journey? Will your baggage allowance be sufficient to cope with the extra luggage that babies and children entail? How will you protect them from too much sun?

With some careful planning you can take the worry out of packing for summer holidays.
The top 5 holiday essentials for anybody with a young family are:

1.Toys and games – pack a small selection of toys to keep them amused on the journey, in restaurants or even if the weather takes a turn for the worst. A pack of crayons and a notepad is often a brilliant distraction to help them cope with boredom.

2.A compact, lightweight stroller – children under 4 may not always want to walk and toddlers & babies may very well need a daytime nap. A lightweight, compact stroller, such as the Quick Smart from BabyStyle, which weighs under 6kg and folds into a carry bag for easy transportation on a plane, is ideal http://www.babystyle.co.uk/easyfold.htm
The Quinny Zap and SilverCross Pop are also great for travelling.

3.Sun protection – don’t forget sun cream of at least factor 50 or total sun block, even if you are spending your holiday in the UK. Sun protection suits are also essential if you are planning a beach holiday. Remember to check the UV protection factor in the suit before purchasing as not all suits provide the same level of protection. Matching legionnaire hats will provide vital sun protection to the head, face and back of the neck (an area which is often forgotten when applying sun cream). There are also some very good sunshades for the buggy on the market. Again, check they provide at least UV protection factor 50. Some canopies and parasols will only provide shade and not protection against the sun’s harmful rays. A make such as the Outlook Shade-a-Babe will provide UV50+ sun visor and a drop down mesh for protection from insects and wind.

4.Lightweight travel cot – if you are planning a holiday with a young baby you may well need to take your own travel cot. Some of these can be quite cumbersome but the Phil & Teds T2 Travel cot is ideal. It weighs less than 2kgs and has a self inflating mattress.
5.Water safety – many holidays involve spending time around water, whether on the beach or around a swimming pool. Don’t forget safety aids, such as arm bands, rubber rings or buoyancy jackets, but remember that these are only aids and your child should still have adult supervision at all times. A good swimming nappy that doesn't leak is essential. We recommend the Splash About Happy Nappy as its tight fitting neoprene construction means that it actually works.http://www.cheekyrascals.co.uk/?menuId=261&pageId=1246
So once your bags are packed and you are on your way, all you have left to worry about is relaxing and enjoying your holiday with your family.

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