Monday, 14 February 2011

Sleeping Tips

As any new parent will know, the better your baby sleeps, the better you sleep! Here are some tips to remember to promote a good night's sleep:

  • Place your baby on their back

  • Do not let anybody smoke in the same room as the baby

  • Do not fall asleep with your baby on the sofa

  • Keep your baby's cot in your bedroom for the first six months

  • Do not share a bed with your baby if you or your partner are smokers, have been drinking alchohol or taking drugs or medication that makes you drowsy or you are excessively tired

  • Place your baby in the "feet to foot" position with bedding tucked in and covers no higher than the shoulders

  • Do not let your baby get too hot (or too cold)

  • Position a room thermometer above the cot and check the room temperature from time to time

  • Establish a bedtime routine and keep to it. Baby will eventually understand that after, say, a bath, feed and story that it is time to sleep!

  • If you need to attend to your baby in the night, keep lights low and noise down so that baby drops off again quickly.

  • Do not use a 2nd hand mattress for a new baby, even if it is only siblings that have used it before. Always buy a new mattress for a new baby.

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