This is a question that is often asked by parents when looking at the cost of "real nappies" and disposables.
The Ethical Consumer Research Report have calculated that the average price for an all in one reuseable nappy to be £12.28, and for a disposable nappy to be 14 pence. At first glance it appears that real nappies are much more expensive but once you actually work it out it's quite surprising how much cheaper reusables are in the long term.
On average it is recommended that to use reusables you need around 20 nappies – which would therefore cost £245.60. It is estimated that a small baby tends to need around ten changes per day, reducing to around 6 per day as they get older, averaging around 2,918
nappies per year, which at 14p each would cost £408.52 in disposables – just for the first
nappies per year, which at 14p each would cost £408.52 in disposables – just for the first
Even taking into account washing costs they are cheaper. It was calculated that the cost to wash one nappy would be around 0.75p. Washing a year’s worth (2,918 nappies) would therefore
work out at £38.90. Over the two and a half years a baby will be in nappies, the average
cost of disposables would therefore be £1,021, and reusables £342.85.
So food for thought. If you are considering it come in and have a look at Pop-in nappies which have 10% discount during Real Nappy Week, and don't forget Gloucestershire County Council give £30 cashback when you spend over £50 on real nappies.
Why not give it a try by purchasing a trial pack of one nappy? Go on - give it a go- it may be easier than you think and it will certainly save you money!
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