Accidents are the second biggest childhood killer in the UK. Six children and young people die every week. 2,000 more are admitted to hospital every week because they’ve been injured in accidents. Some are left scarred for life or permanently disabled.
The tragedy is that many of these deaths and serious injuries can be prevented.We can keep children Safer, Together by working together to prevent serious injuries and death from accidents. We all have a role to play in this.
We are proud to support Child Safety Week by offering discounts and special offers on safety equipment during this week. Available in store or online at http://www.newbeginningsbabyshop.co.uk/
1. Babies wriggle and roll so never leave unattended on a change unit, or change on the floor.
2. Always use a 5 point harness in highchairs and pushchairs. Where there is only a 3 point harness make sure it is tight around the waist.
3. Never place a bouncing cradle or car seat on a table or worksurface as these can move and fall.
4. Use corner cushions on sharp edges when babies are learning to toddle.
5. Always have a fireguard in place if you have a hot fire.
6. Use Safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs. If possible use a gate without a bottom rail to prevent tripping.
7.Keep floors free of clutter and toys when babies are learning to walk. They don't watch where they put their feet and can easily trip.
8.Fit windows with safety locks to restrict opening to less than 6.5cms as serious injuries can result in falls from windows.
9. Use Safety glass or film on any glass door or window at floor level.
10. Don't put chairs or furniture close to windows where they can climb onto and out.
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