Here at New Beginnings we are really excited about our new nappies. We initially ordered 6 trial packs and the feedback from our customers are that they are fantastic.
So what makes them different? Well firstly they are a one size nappy which grows with your baby. A clever popper system means you only have to buy one nappy - no more expense of buying different sized nappies.
Secondly they are not too bulky. They consist of an outer shell and bamboo nappy, and an additional super absorbant bamboo soaker, all of which pop in and out for easy and quick drying.
Stretchy velcro fastenings give a snug and reliable fit and a double elasticated leg gusset ensures no leaks . A biodegradable liner catches solids and can simply be flushed down the loo .
Stretchy velcro fastenings give a snug and reliable fit and a double elasticated leg gusset ensures no leaks . A biodegradable liner catches solids and can simply be flushed down the loo .
Thirdly, they come in arange of gorgeous unisex colours with great names like duck-egg and custard!
If you like the idea and want to try you can buy a trial pack for just £15.00. It contains a complete nappy and a booster for use at night-time, and a couple of liners. Order online at
http://www.newbeginningsbabyshop.co.uk/products.php?catid=13If you wanted to use Pop-in nappies full time you would need 20 nappies. This would equate to a days worth of nappy changes plus a days in the wash. You can buy a multisaver pack which contains 20 nappies, 6 night time booster pads, 2 laundry bags and 200 liners for £229.50 including postage direct to you http://www.newbeginningsbabyshop.co.uk/product_details.php?catid=13&prodid=108Now that sounds a lot of money but it's only when you start doing the sums on disposables that you realise just how much money you can save. If you have a second child you already have your nappies and thats when you start saving hundreds of pounds. I've just done a quick calculation on pampers cheapest nappies which work out at 11p each. Based on 10 changes a day this works out at £400 in the first year only, and remember your child is unlikely to potty train much before their 2nd or 3rd birthday!
There are also more savings to be had as many councils offer incentives for parents to use reuseable nappies, as it saves them money on landfill. Check with your local council. Gloucestershire and Worcestershire currently offer £30.00 cash back when you spend over £50 on reuseable nappies.
A lot of parents think of reuseable nappies as terry towelling nappies with pins and fiddly folding, and buckets of soaking dirty nappies. This is no longer the case. The Pop-in is so simple to use as it goes on like a disposeable with velcro fasteners. A liner makes cleaning up easier, and you don't have to touch the nappies again after changing. Simply put into drawstring bag and when bag full, put the whole bag in the washing machine! Simple. Go on, give them a try!
Love the new site. Very nice. :-D
These nappies are great - I can thoroughly recommend them!
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